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a clear takeout style container is filled with many differnt colors of soap slices

Soap Slices

Regular price $6.50
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Every time I make a batch of soap I cut it into the perfect (well, almost perfect...I'm not a machine after all) little rectangle of soap that you expect. But I also end up with slices of less-than-perfect-looking-but-just-as-good-smelling, soap leftover from the ends. I had collected quite a few of these perfectly good but smallish ends.  
So I put together these cute, soap slice packages full of different types of soap ends. Many of the slices are the size of a 1/4 to 1/2 of a bar, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller. The idea is that now you can try many different soaps.
Unfortunately, I can not offer customer special selections in the slices and the fragrances are not marked.
Limited quantities in stock.
 To prolong the life of your bar of soap, simply keep it out of a puddle of water and in a well draining soap dish.
Net weight is approximately 10-16 ounces - up to 2 bars of soap in size!
LIMITED QUANTITIES.  Ribbon and tag may vary.